575 Fifth Avenue Lobby, NY

Redesigned and modernized this Midtown lobby tailoring to attract boutique financial services firms and other potential tenants. 

Conceptually, the connecting media ribbon across the walls and columns opens up a section cut to unveil the neighborhoods’ vibrancy, its local events, weather, and the current stock market data mapped into the city. This lobby showcases Midtown's zest uniquely through its dynamic media content.


  • Led and developed the interior architecture concept, FF&E, schematic design, design intent drawings and construction barricade graphics/branding.
  • Collaborated on media concepts with media technologists and data visualization designers.
  • Reviewed the architect of record drawings, and coordinated revision changes.
  • Briefed lighting designers to update the perimeter cove lighting and ceiling grid to LED lights.
  • Developed an in-house prototype and on-site mock-ups for the media columns.
  • Participated in construction status meetings with the client and partner vendors and issued punch-lists.

Architectural Record — 575 5th Avenue Lobby Design, Feb 2017
World-Architects — Two Lobby Renovations by ESI Design (Terrell Place & 575 5th Avenue) Oct 2016

ESI Design  / ︎ Brett Beyer